October 2004

This is Rainier from Germany who Crossed Over in June 2003 - pursued by an unknown sportsman - along with.............
............Rosanna from Canosa di Puglia, Italy. Thanks for the pictures Rosanna.
This is Pilou and his wife Macha from Marseilles, France, on the steps of the Studios on 4th September 2004
This is Dioni from Almeria, Spain, leading his wife Ana and friends Rosa and Ramon over the crossing on 11 September 2004........
........and here is Dioni going across one more time......
..........and here at the sign - just to remind him where he was on this day..........
.........and finally - with a copy of the Abbey Road album in his hand - on the steps of the Studios
I think I'll let Enrico explain the following collection:

"Hello dear friends, my name is Enrico, from a little town called Mirandola, Italy. My wife, Antonella, and I were in London this summer and we took these pictures in Abbey Road.....

.........This is a little story of our day at the crossing. It was the 7th of July when my wife and I decided to spend a day in a life doing the walk............
.........and we did the walk once; the pic “we do the walk” was shot by an australian boy that we’d met that morning, and he was doing the walk, with a friend.........
........After the first walk, my wife took the picture of me near the well known “Abbey Road NW8”, on the stairs of the studios, and outside the garden. Meanehile a crowd of journalist and photographers had gathered in the street; what’s going on?.......
.......Jamelia was working at the studios to promote a school program for music and she also did the walk with two boys. So my wife and I went to the doors of the studios with that crowd of people, and we were inside.........
........just the time to take the photo with the 8 track tape machine....and then we were discovered and asked to leave! But it was great! Maybe that machine was used by John in the 60’s, or maybe not, who knows? After that we dd the walk again, and my wife took pictures of me walking with an English lady we’ve met outside the studios. If you decide to put these photos on your webpage, please insert these words: To the lady with the blue T-shirt walking with me: thank you for the nice day in the studios and for the walks, you were very funny.........
Next time we have to do the walk without shoes! And just for the record, one more photo of Jamelia!" Enrico Alvino

What a great story. Thanks Enrico.

Here is Manny Flores from El Paso, Texas, making an early start and 'Crossing Over' on September 23rd 2004 at 8:30 in the morning..........
.........Manny is a jazz bass player. The pictures were taken by his mother, Eva.
This is Kolie and Dan from California, USA, Crossing Over on the first day of a two week trip to England and Scotland..........
..........and here are Kolie and Tami at the sign. The pictures were taken on September 9th 2004. We remember you coming in to the Abbey Road Café! It was good to see you. I hope the rest of your vacation was as enjoyable as your first day!
From Madrid, Spain, here is a photo taken by Sandra Sánchez of husband David during their visit to Abbey Road in June 2003